Rules of using the website - Ltd RE Steepen

Rules of using the website

Before using the website (further – Site) read the following Rules carefully (further – Rules).

If you disagree with the Rules do not use the Site.

General Issues
All the rights for Site belong to Ltd RE “Steepen” (further – “Owner”).

A person using the Site is “User”. Users are recommended to familiarize themselves with the Rules, Privacy Policy and other materials for Users.

Using the Site you confirm your consent with the principles of the Rules, Privacy Policy on processing of personal information.

At any time Owner can change the principles of the Rules, and these changes come into force the moment they are published on the Site. If you continue to use the Site after the changed Rules are made public, it means your consent to keep to the Rules with all the changes introduced.

If any terms of the Rules or changes introduced are not acceptable for you, you may not use the Site of discontinue using it.

Content of the Site
Owner allows you to look through and upload materials from the Site for personal non-commercial use. We notify about the necessity to adhere to copyright and other information concerning ownership contained on the initial materials of the Site or their copies. To spread or demonstrate materials of the Site in any form or use them in any other way for public or commercial purposes is prohibited.

At any time Owner can introduce changes into the prices of goods and services provided on the Site without warning. In case of “obsolescence” of goods and services on the Site Owner is not obliged to update them.

Under no circumstances Owner bears responsibility for any loss (including those due to loss of income, lost profit, information or due to interruption of business activity etc.) resulting from the use or impossibility to use of the Site.

During registration on the Site you give your consent to submit reliable information about yourself and your contacts. After registration you get login and password, and you bear responsibility for their safety. You are responsible for all the actions on the Site under your login and password as well. In case you registration data are lost you are obliged to inform Owner about it.

Leaving comments on the Site or referring to Owners you bear responsibility that these messages are not illegal, harmful, threatening, slanderous, offensive for morality, or do not violate copyright, promote hate and/or human discrimination by racial, ethnic, gender, religious, social signs, or contain any offence concerning certain individuals or organizations, or in no way violate the current Ukrainian legislation. You agree that any your message may be deleted by Owner without your consent or it may be used free to Owner’s judgment.

Final Regulations
The Rules should be interpreted and applied according to Ukrainian Laws. Any disputes concerning realization of the Rules will be settled by an appropriate court located on the territory of Ukraine.

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