Public Offer - Ltd RE Steepen

PUBLIC OFFER on an order, sales and goods delivery

This public offer is an official offer of Seller to conclude a contract of sales on Goods presented on the site This offer is a public one, thai is, concluded according to the Article 633 of the Civil Code of Ukraine. Its terms are equal for all the buyers irrespective of their status (private person, legal person, individual entepreneur) without giving preference to one buyer before another. Under the Public Offer Buyer accepts completely the terms and procedure of making an order, payment of an article, delivery of an article, return of goods, bearing responsibility for an improper order and all other terms of the Offer. The Offer is considered to be concluded the moment the button “Confirm Order” is pressed on the page of making orders in the Part “Cart”, and Buyer receives online confirmation of order from Seller.

1. Definition of terms

1.1. Public Offer (further – Offer) is a public proposition of Seller addressed to indefinite number of individuals to conclude an online contract of sales (further – Contract) with Seller on the terms included in the Offer.
1.2.An Article or Service is an object of the contract between the parties selected by Buyer on Online Shop site and added to the cart or already bought by Buyer from Seller online.
1.3.Online Shop – Seller’s site on the address is created to conclude contracts on retail and wholesale purchase when Buyer gets to know description of goods suggested by Seller by means of Internet.
1.4. Buyer is a capable private person reaching the age of 18, who get information from Seller, makes an order on purchase of goods presented on Online Shop site for purposes which are not associated with business activity, or legal person, or individual entrepreneur.
1.5. Seller is an individual entrepreneur (IE) Melnychuk O.M. (identification code 2309712034), acting according to the current legislation of Ukraine located at the address: 5, Ivan Mykolaychuk str., Chernivtsi, 58018, Ukraine.

2. Subject of the Contract

2.1. Seller undertakes a commitment to hand over Goods to Buyer, and Buyer undertakes a commitment to pay and take Goods according to the terms of the Contract.
2.2.The date of Contract conclusion – accept of the offer – and the moment of complete and unqualified accept of the Contract terms by Buyer is the date when Buyer fills in an order form on the Online Shop site, in case Buyer received online confirmation of an order from Seller. In case of need in accordance with Buyer’s desire Contract may be compiled in written form.

3. How to place an order

3.1. Buyer can place an order himself in Online Shop by means of “Cart” form or make an order by e-mail or by telephone indicated in the part of Online Shop contacts.
3.2. Seller has the right to reject the order to Buyer in case the information submitted by Buyer while placing the order is not complete or arouses suspicion as to its validity.
3.3. While placing an order on the Online Shop site Buyer is supposed to submit the following information essential for Seller to execute the order:
3.3.1. Buyer’s surname (family name) and first name;
3.3.2. place of residence the Goods should be delivered (is delivery to Buyer’s address);
3.3.3. contact telephone number;
3.3.4. identification code for a legal person, or individual entrepreneur.
3.4. Description of goods, amount, nomenclature article, price of the goods selected by Buyer are indicated in the Buyer’s Cart on the Online Shop site.
3.5. In case any of the Parties of the Contract needs some additional information it has the right to request information from another Party. If Buyer does not provide necessary information, Seller is not responsible for giving quality service to Buyer during online shopping.
3.6. In case an order is placed by means of Seller’s operator (p.3.1. of the Offer) Buyer is supposed to give the information indicated in p.3.3.-3.4. of the Offer.
3.7. Buyer agrees with the terms of the Offer when he/she fills in necessary information into the registration form on the Online Shop site or when order is placed by means of an operator. After the order is placed by means of the operator information about Buyer is included into Seller’s data base.
3.8. Buyer is responsible for reliability of the information submitted when the order is placed.
3.9. While accepting the Offer (the terms of getting goods suggested) by means of placing the Order Buyer confirms the following:

a) Buyer is aware of the terms of the Offer completely;
b) Buyer gives permission for collecting, processing and transferring personal information; the permission is valid for the whole period of the Contract, and during an unlimited time after the Contract is completed. In addition, Buyer confirms that he/she is informed (without additional announcement) about the rights stipulated by the Ukrainian Law “On Personal Data Protection”, about purposes of data collecting, and that personal information is transferred to Seller with the purpose to fulfill the terms of the contract, to perform calculations, to receive bills, acts and other documents. Buyer agrees that Seller has the right to provide an access and transfer his/her personal information to the third parties without any additional Seller’s announcement with the purpose to complete Buyer’s order. Buyer is aware of the range of his rights as a personal information subject according to the Ukrainian Law “On Personal Data Protection”.

4. Price and Delivery of Goods

4.1. Price of the Goods and services are determined by Seller himself and indicated on the Online Shop site. All the prices on the Goods and services are indicated in hryvnas considering maximum permissible emission (MPE).
4.2. Prices on the Goods and services can be changed by Seller unilaterally depending on market conditions. At the same time, the price of a separate article already paid by Buyer completely cannot be changed by Seller unilaterally.
4.3. The price of Goods indicated on the Online Shop site does not include the cost of delivery of Goods to Buyer. The cost of delivery is paid according to the existing rates of delivery services (carriers) chosen by Buyer.
4.4. The price of Goods indicated on the Online Shop site does not include the cost of delivery of Goods to the Buyer’s address.
4.5. Seller can indicate an estimated cost of Goods delivery sent to Buyer’s address when Buyer sends e-mail letter with an appropriate order to Seller or places an order by means of an Online Shop operator.
4.6. Buyer’s payment obligations are considered to be fulfilled the moment money comes to the Seller’s account.
4.7. Calculations between Seller and Buyer for Goods are carried out by means indicated on the Online Shop site in the part “Payment and Delivery”.
4.8. During goods receiving Buyer should check compliance of goods with their quality and quantity (description of goods, amount, package contents, expiry date) in presence of a representative of the delivery (carrier) service.
4.9. During goods receiving Buyer or his representative confirms with his signature on sales receipt/or order form/or waybill that he does not claim concerning the amount of goods, their exterior view and package contents.
4.10. Ownership and risk of accidental loss or damage of Goods move to Buyer or his representative the moment Buyer receives Goods at the place of supply and delivers Goods from Seller himself, or when Goods are delivered by delivery (carrier) service chosen by Buyer.

5. Rights and Obligations of the Parties

5.1. Seller is obliged:
5.1.1. To give Goods to Buyer according to the terms of the Contract and Buyer’s order.
5.1.2. Not to disclose any private information about Buyer and not to give access to the information to the third parties except those cases stipulated by the legislation and when Buyer’s order is executed.
5.2. Seller has the right:
5.2.1. To change the terms of the Contract and prices on Goods and services unilaterally posting them on the Online Shop site. All the changes come into force the moment they are published.
5.3. Buyer is obliged:
5.3.1. To learn the content of the Contract, its terms and prices suggested by Seller on the Online Shop site before concluding Contract.
5.3.2. In order to carry out Seller’s obligations in front of Buyer, the latter should give all the necessary information which will identify him as Buyer and is sufficient for delivering Goods ordered to Buyer.

6. Return of Goods

6.1. Buyer has the right to return goods of a proper quality to Seller in case Buyer is not satisfied with the form of goods, their outer dimensions, style, color, size or due to other reasons Buyer cannot use it according to purpose. Buyer has the right to return goods of a proper quality during 14 (fourteen) days disregarding the day of purchase. The goods of a proper quality can be returned if they were not used and their commercial presentation, consumer container, package, seals, labels and an account document issued to Buyer for payment of goods are not damaged. The list of goods that cannot be returned on the grounds provided in this paragraph is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
6.2. Money for the goods of a proper quality are returned to Buyer during 30 (thirty) days since the moment the goods were received by Seller in case all the terms stipulated in p.6.1. of this Contract and current Ukrainian legislation are held.
6.3. Cost of goods is returned by means of bank transfer on Buyer’s bank account.
6.4. The goods of a proper quality are returned to the Seller’s address at the Buyer’s expense, and the money spent is not refunded.
6.5. In case during a warranty period some defects are found in Goods, Buyer has the right to claim personally according to the order and terms stipulated by Ukrainian legislation “Law on Consumer Protection”. When a claim on free elimination of defects is put in, the period for their removal is calculated since the day the Goods are received by Seller’s disposal and physical access to such Goods.
6.6. All the claims stipulated by Ukrainian “Law on Consumer Protection” are considered by Seller in case Buyer submits all the necessary documents stipulated by the Ukrainian legislation. Seller is not responsible for defects of Goods occurring after Buyer received them due to violation of requirements of utilization of storage of Goods, actions of the third parties or force majeur.
6.7. Buyer has not right to refuse goods of a proper quality which possess individually determined properties, if the goods can be used by Buyer exclusively (including individual nonstandard size, characteristics, exterior view, package contents etc.). The evidence that goods are of individually determined properties is the difference of the goods’ size and other characteristics indicated in the Online Shop.
6.8. Goods are returned in cases stipulated by the Law and the Contract on the address indicated on the site in the part “Contacts”.

7. Liability

7.1. Seller does not bear responsibility for the harm done to Buyer or third parties due to improper installation, utilization, storage of Goods bought from Seller.
7.2. Seller does not bear responsibility for improper, untimely execution of an order in case Buyer submitted unreliable or false information.
7.3. Seller and Buyer bear responsibility for the execution of their obligations according to the current legislation of Ukraine and the terms of the Contract.
7.4. Seller and Buyer are exempted from liability for partial or complete failure to execute their obligations if it results from force majeur circumstances such as: war or military events, earthquake, flood, fire and other natural disasters occurring regardless of Seller’s and/or Buyer’s will after the Contract was concluded. The Party not able to execute its obligations informs another Party immediately.

8. Confidence and personal information protection

8.1.Submitting his/her personal information on the Online Shop site or making an order, Buyer gives his/her consent to Seller on processing and use (including transfer) of this information, and making other actions stipulated by Ukrainian “Law on Consumer Protection” without term limitation of this consent.
8.2. Seller is obliged not to disclose information obtained from Buyer. Sharing information with contragents and third parties acting on the basis of the Contract with Seller including commitments before Buyer and in those cases when sharing information is stipulated by the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine is not considered violation.
8.3. Buyer is responsible for maintenance of his/her personal information in a relevant state. Seller does not bear responsibility for poor execution or failure to execute his obligations due to unreliable information about Buyer or when this information does not represent real facts.

9. Other terms

9.1. The Contract is concluded on the territory of Ukraine and acts according to the current legislation of Ukraine.
9.2. All the arguments occurring between Buyer and Seller are settled by negotiations. If parties fail to regulate a disputable issue by means of negotiations, Buyer and/or Seller have the right to address the court according to the current legislation of Ukraine.
9.3. Seller has the right to introduce changes to the Contract unilaterally according to p.5.2.1. of the Contract. At the same time, changes to the Contract may be introduced by mutual consent of the Parties according to the current legislation of Ukraine.

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