Privacy policy - Ltd RE Steepen

Privacy policy

True Privacy policy of personal information (further – Privacy policy) remains valid concerning all the information obtained by the Site located on the domain about a User while working on the Site


1.1. Privacy policy uses the following terms:

1.1.1. Site Administration (further – Site Administration) – authorized officials administering the Site and acting on behalf of Ltd “RE Steepen” who organize and/or make processing of personal information (PI), determine purposes of PI processing, the content of PI to be processed, and operations carried out with PI.

1.1.2.”Personal information” – any information directly or indirectly concerned with a certain individual (personal information subject).

1.1.3. “Personal information processing” – any operation or a number of operations performed with the use of automation means or without them in processing personal information including collection, registration, systematization, accumulation, storage, specification (renewal, changes), isolation, use, transmission (spread, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, removal, deletion of personal information.

1.1.4. “Personal information privacy” is a compulsory requirement for the Operator or another person obtaining access to personal information in order to prevent its spreading without consent of a personal data subject or any other legal basis available.

1.1.5. “User of the Site” (further – User) is a person obtaining access to the Site by means of Internet and using the Site.

1.1.6. “Cookies” – a small fragment of data sent by the web server and stored on the User’s computer which is every time sent by a web client or web browser to the web server in http-request in an attempt to open a page of an appropriate Site.

1.1.7. “IP-address” is a unique numerical label of the device in the computer network installed according to IP protocol.


2.1. The use of Online Shop or other parts of the Site by a Site User means agreement with Privacy Policy and the terms of User’s personal information processing.

2.2. In case of disagreement with the terms of Privacy Policy User should discontinue using the Site.

2.3. This Privacy Policy is applied to the Site of Ltd “RE Steepen” only.  Ltd “RE Steepen” neither controls nor bears responsibility for the Sites of third parties accessible for User via links available on the Online Shop Site or other parts of the Site.

2.4. Site Administration does not check reliability of personal information submitted by the Site User.


3.1. True Privacy Policy establishes responsibilities of the Online Shop Site Administration concerning non-disclosure and ensuring security of the privacy of personal information submitted by User upon Site Administration request during registration on the Site or applying for acquisition of Goods.

3.2. Personal information authorized for processing within the frame of the Privacy Policy is submitted by User while filling in a registration form on the Online shop Site or master-classes in the space of user’s registration and includes the following information:

3.2.1. Last name, first name, patronymic of the User;

3.2.2. User’s contact telephone number;

3.2.3. User’s e-mail;

3.2.4. Address for Goods delivery;

3.2.5. User’s place of residence;

3.3. Online shop protects the Data transmitted automatically in the process of looking through the blocks of commercials and visiting pages with the system statistical script installed (“pixel”):

· IP address

· Information from cookies

· Information about browser (or any other program providing access to advertising)

· Access time

· Address of the site containing advertising

· Referrer (address of the previous page

3.3.1. Cookies disconnection can cause impossibility to access the parts of the Site requiring authorization.

3.3.2. Online Shop collects statistical data about IP-address of its visitors. The information is used with the purpose to find and solve technical problems to control validity of the charges paid.

3.4. Any other personal information not considered above (history of purchasing, browsers and operating systems used etc.) must be stored safely and not spread except cases stipulated by p. 5.2. and p. 5.3. in Privacy Policy.


4.1. User’s personal information can be used by the Site Administration for the following:

4.1.1. To identify User registered on the Site for making an order and/or signing up a Purchase Contract online.

4.1.2. To supply User with access to personalized resources of the Site.

4.1.3. To establish feedback with User including messages and requests concerning the use of the Site, services given, processing of requests and applications from Users.

4.1.4. To identify User’s location in order to ensure safety and prevent fraud.

4.1.5. To confirm that personal information given by User is reliable and complete.

4.1.6. To make an account for purchasing in case User agrees to make it.

4.1.7. To inform User about the state of the Order.

4.1.8. To process and receive payments, to confirm taxes or tax concession, to contradict payment, to determine the right for getting the line of credid by User.

4.1.9. To provide User with effective client and technical support in case any problems occur associated with the Site use.

4.1.10. In case of User’s consent to provide him/her with information concerning new products, special offers, prices, news and others on behalf of Online Shop or partners of Online Shop.

4.1.11. To organize promotion activities by User’s consent.

4.1.12. To provide User with access to Sites or services of Online Shop partners with the purpose to get products, renewal and services.


5.1. User’s personal information is processed without time limits by means of any legal methods including those in personal data information systems using automation means or without them.

5.2. User gives his/her consent that Site Administration has the right to send personal information to the third parties, mail and messenger service and communication services in particular, in order to contact and execute User’s orders.

5.3. User’s personal information can be given to the authorized state power organs on the basis and according to the order stipulated by current Ukrainian legislation only.

5.4. In case personal information is lost or disclosed Site Administration informs User abot loss or disclosure of personal information.

5.5. Site Administration takes necessary organizational and technical measures to protect User’s personal information against illegal or accidental access, deletion, misinterpretation, blocking, copy, spread, and other ellegal actions of the third parties.

5.6. Site Administration together with User takes all the necessary measures to prevent loss or any other negative consequences caused by the loss or disclosure of User’s personal information.


6.1. User is commited to:

6.1.1. Provide personal information necessary for making use of the Site, Online Shop and parts of the Site in particular, which require personalization.

6.1.2. Update, supplement the personal information submitted earlier in case it is changed.

6.2. Site Administration is commited to:

6.2.1. Use the information obtained for the purposes indicated in p.4 of the Privacy Policy exclusively.

6.2.2. Provide keeping private information secret, not disclose it without User’s preliminary written consent, not to sell, exchange, publish or disclose User’s personal information in any other possible ways, except those cases stipulated by p. 5.2. and p. 5.3. of the Privacy Policy.

6.2.3. Take safety measures to protect privacy of User’s personal information according to the order commonly used to protect such kind of information within the existing business intercourse.

6.2.4. Block personal information concerning an appropriate User at the moment of inquiry from the side of User, his/her legal representative or an authorized bodies on protection of rights of subjects’ personal information for the period of inspection in case unreliable personal information or illegal actions are found.


7.1. Site Administration that did not fulfill its commitments is responsible for the loss experienced by User due to illegal use of personal information according to Ukrainian legislation, except cases stipulated by p.5.2, 5.3. and 7.2. of the Privacy Policy.

7.2. In case of loss or disclosure of private information Site Administration does not bear responsibility if this private information:

7.2.1. has become public before its loss or disclosure

7.2.2. had been obtained from the third party before Site Administration got it

7.2.3. was disclosed by User’s consent


8.1. Before addressing the court with claims in disputes occurring between User and Site Administration a claim must be presented (written suggestion about voluntary arrangement of a dispute).

8.2. Within a period of 30 days from the date of receipt, the recipient of a claim informs an applicant in written form about the results dealing with a claim.

8.3. In case agreement is not reached, a claim will be addressed to the court according to the current Ukrainian legislation.

8.4. Current Ukrainian legislation is applied to the Privacy Policy and relations between User and Site Administration.


9.1. Site Administration has the right to introduce changes into the current Privacy Policy without User’s consent.

9.2. New Privacy Policy comes into force the moment it is available on the Site, if nothing else is stipulated by a new version of Privacy Policy.

9.3. All the suggestions or issues concerning this Privacy Policy should be reported to

9.4. The current Privacy Policy is available on the page to the address

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